Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development
29 March 2023, 4:35 pm
Ugandan employers; pay NSSF contributions within 30 days deadline or face penalt…
Byamukama Alozious > For the future safety of workers, Employers in Uganda have been urged to pay National social security Fund also now as NSSF irrespective of the number of workers employed The deadline commands that within only 30…
28 March 2023, 3:32 pm
Women Journalists tipped on business opportunities
By Philip Onyango & Alozious Byamukama Journalists have been advised always to have side business that can help them to sustain and survive in this hard economic times. The advise was given to them by Dr. Ruth Aisha Biyinzika Kasolo…
28 March 2023, 3:20 pm
Women Journalists tipped on business opportunities
By Philip Onyango Journalists have been advised always to have side business that can help them to sustain and survive in this hard economic times. The advise was given to them by Dr. Ruth Aisha Biyinzika Kasolo during the Women…
22 March 2023, 9:15 pm
Silent Gender based violence against women and girls in worship places, kampala-…
Byamukama Alozious> This Audio feature has detailed horrible experience women and young girls go through in worked places, a place which should be a refuge has changed. A few steps have been taken to end this violence.
17 March 2023, 9:03 pm
Uganda Women’s Network Tips Journalists skills on neutral communication and re…
kama Alozious > Uganda Women’s Network-UWONET has completed a two day training on neutral communication and reporting to enhance gender to about 40 journalists from different regions of Uganda. The basis of this training was after UWONET’s research which…