
5 June 2024, 4:18 pm

Over 200 women train on social economic development

By Ejang Sarah and Desire Ocen Dr Apea also asked women to store food at home whenever harvested in order to fight food insecurity that hits mostly women and their children. In a bid to fight poverty through good leadership,…

21 March 2024, 12:05 pm

Women urged to embrace saving money

By Kenneth Wamatoyi Women in the Eastern region have been called upon to embrace the saving culture in homes and businesses.  This call was made by the Equity Bank supervisor, Ms. Salima Kauma during the exhibition of “bakyala ku ntiko”…

14 March 2024, 1:41 pm

Seven candidates eye Dokolo woman MP seat

By Bonny Otim Ogwal (  Dokolo Seven candidates have been nominated by the electoral commission to compete for the vacant Dokolo Woman Parliamentary seat. Three of the candidates including Dr. Esther Akullu Obot, Dr. Anna Grace Lalam Atine and Rebecca…

9 March 2024, 9:15 am

Lira district receives Shs.53 million under GROW project

Minister of gender, labor and social development, Hon. Betty Amongi By Voice of Lango Editorial ( Katakwi Ministry of gender, labor and social development has given Lira district 53.3 million to support women led businesses under Generating Growth Opportunities and…