Gender based violence can be a history talk in Uganda if only Local Governments are well funded

1 December 2022, 6:18 pm

Byamukama Alozious

Over the years Uganda has been registering high cases of gender based violence which has started worrying the local government authorities

Mr Julius Mukunda , Executive Director of Civil society Budget Advocacy Group making his point to financing Local Governments

Although cases of domestic violence remain high ,the funding of local Government to fighting it is lower a reason that has caused a mediate strategic meeting  to focus on how to increase local government financing for gender based violence

Benon Kigenyi  who has represented the permanently secretary   Local Government at the meeting  says Gender based violence is a global disease which needs immediate attention to prevent it  for it affects  physical stability of a person, takes away money and time hence affecting general economic growth of entire country. He urges general public, local activists and politicians to be concerned and report cases to the local council courts to immediate action.

Julius Mukunda from Civil society budget advocacy group CSBGAG challenges Government to finance local government as the only solution to containing GBV cases to zero. Mukunda says local governments get a burden to get funds from central government yet if the local governments are directly funded, it makes easier way to reach victims and survivors of GBV

Recently when the minister charge of gender labor and social development Hon. Betty Among  while officiating the beginning of 16 days of activism at media center in Kampala said 223 women and young girls die annually to GBV  and costs Government 77bilion which goes to treatment of victims , court cases among others

According to police annual crime report 2021, a total of 16,242 cases were recorded, only 8064 were domestic violence, 6838 defilement, 749 rape and 223 were aggravated domestic violence that resulted in death

Ms. Luta Shaba, The Spotlight Initiative Program Coordinator at Office of the UN Resident Coordinator Uganda in her remarks noted Uganda is among the few countries in the whole world that are implementing the Spotlight Program in response to fighting gender based violence and is confident that together with support from central government to local governments there will be a great change.
