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Census is evil, say women of Followers of Christ church Amolatar

15 May 2024, 5:20 pm

By Sarah Ejang and Desire Ocen

“I have abandoned my children and relatives for they are living in the world, that way I do not go bury anyone on earth.”

Followers of Christ church members at Muntu police outpost.

Three women of Followers of Christ church in Amolatar are being held at Muntu police outpost after refusing to participate in the ongoing national population and housing census.

One of the three women, Akite Jennifer, states that she does not bow to the worldly programs because “the Lord is our protector and everything”.

Akite who has a one-year-old breastfeeding boy, told Hot FM News that the child she has is the fulfillment of Gods wish for her.

Akite Jennifer on census

She further told this publication that since Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, “we never bowed before any guidelines, but God kept us”.

“Since 2020, we left following any Covid-19 directives, we neither visit any hospital, nor do our children, for the Lord is keeping us.”

Another Follower, Awor Monica, believes that she is not a member of the world but belongs to the heavenly kingdom.

Awor added that because she is not part of the world, they do not bury the deceased or visit the sick. “We believe that we will live in eternity or walk to heaven.”

‘”I have abandoned my children and relatives for they are living in the world, that way I do not go bury anyone on earth.”

Apili Nancy who also declined to be enumerated, revealed that they do not accept education or send children to school. “Education is the root of Evil.”

She believes God values more uneducated people “for they are not destroyed by the evil spirit of education”.

To Apili, education has bought disease such as Covid-19 and now counting which God does not accept.

“We do not have feeling for any man because God blocked our sexual reproductive organs”, she said.

“I will not live with any worldly person because l do not own anything on earth”, Apili declared.

Sergeant Olio Charles, the officer in charge of Muntu police outpost, said he received information from the Giso about women who refuse to be counted, calling it evil.

By press time, no case had been filled against them because the police were still waiting for additional guidance.

The OC encourages Christians to participate in the census, stating that it is for the benefit of all citizens.

The group which consists of less than ten people working in Odyak parish, Muntu Sub County, claims president Museveni is being used by an evil spirit to lead them astray.

The group also does not take children to school or hospital. They do not believe in relatives.