20 May 2024, 3:51 pm
By Ejang Sarah and Desire Ocen
While speaking to the hundreds of party members who were gathered at Adagkwac village Anywalwake parish Agwingiri sub county Amolatar district Angwech said she crossed to UPC with the intention of contesting in the male dominated Kyoga county Consistency seat come 2026.
Uganda people congress party has on 19th.May.2024 received eight new members who crossed up from different parties.
Among them Angwech Colline who in the last election contested for the district woman Member of Parliament on an independent ticket joined UPC officially.
While speaking to the hundreds of party members who were gathered at Adagkwac village Anywalwake parish Agwingiri sub county Amolatar district Angwech said she crossed to UPC with the intention of contesting in the male dominated Kyoga county Consistency seat come 2026.
Colline Angwech on her defection
Angwech appealed to the members of UPC to boldly speak to cause development since she believes that UPC is the best party to signify in Uganda.
She also said that she did not cross to “eat” but to work for the common people.
Meanwhile UPC party chair person Amolatar on the behalf of party secretary general Amulaferi Ongwen Okao welcomed Colline Angwech to the party giving her the party card and the constitution.
Amolatar party chairman Amulaferi on registration
Ongwen also appealed to the party members to be patient for the preparation for registration; he said that the process will begin soon.
He added that the party has got plans to register its members, build on it structures among others.
The program that was organized to receive new members showed many people converted with the aims of coming on the party ticket for 2025.
Patrick Balmoi who is a chief mobilizer at the district level among others showed his intention take on the position of LC III for Agwingiri sub county come 2026.