24 January 2023, 1:37 pm
By Ongom Keneth and Okwang Mike
Abubaker technical services has been given upto the end of February this year to complete the construction work under Municipal Infrastructure development in Apac municipality
The revelation was made last week during a close door meeting between Apac Municipal authorities and the Abubaker construction company in Apac Town.
The Town clerk Apac Municipality, Mr Stansolas Mangasa attributed the slow progress of work to inadequate manpower on site always and later adviced the company to increase the size of its support staffs to help speed up the work which is currently in a very low pase.
Mangasa said the rate at which the construction is moving makes them worry as Apac Municipality as to when the work will get done.
Meanwhile the President Apac municipal development forum Mr philips Otim Oduka accused the contructor of being laxity as well as late reporting at work site by the employees experienced always on daily basis.
Responding to the concerns, the company engineer Mr. Mosole Joseph attributes the delays to process taken to re-design and levelled the road which was not in the initial plan including high prices of commodities which also affected them.
After the meeting resolving that the company finishes the work latest in February,
Mr. Mosole therefore promised to do all it takes and also pledged to work upon the challenges raised during the meeting.
Abubaker construction company limited started their work in Apac Municipality early last year and the work was expected to reach its completion by august, though the contractor was unable to beat the deadline and requested for additional months up to early 2023.