8 May 2024, 7:06 pm
By Mike Okwang Ogule
The Apac District security team headed by the RDC has vowed to be on high alert after a religious group claiming to be very Godly issuing a statement to boycott the upcoming National Population and Housing Census.
Speaking during the district census committee meeting held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at Global Platform boardroom, the Apac district deputy resident commissioner Ms. Joan Apio pointed out a denomination whom she says is actively preaching negative ideas about census with claims that the program is not Biblical.
Apio said they have already gotten a clue about the said denomination and any time soon they shall be arrested and apprehended for further interrogations.
“We are aware of their existence, the only thing to do now is talking to them before we kick off the exercise otherwise, they risk being in jailed,” Apio said.
She however pledged to continue networking with the community in a bid to do away with people whose motives are always to sabotaging government programs. Although she didn’t share with this publication the names of those within the alleged errant religious group, Apio is optimistic that the group shall be delt with incase they fail to avail the necessary information during enumeration.
According to Apio, the identity of the alleged group is yet to be established.
In the same gathering however, religious leaders across the district promised total support and rallied believers to welcome the exercise since it will help government plan better for the nation.
Father George Humble Opio the parish priest Apac catholic parish said population census is biblical requesting believers to exclusively embrace the exercise.
Uganda is set to conduct the National Population and Housing Census 2024 with the reference night being 9th May 2024. The Census will be done in 10 days starting on 9th May 2024 to 19th May 2024.
The President of Uganda, His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, launched the NPHC 2024 activity on December 12th 2023