6 January 2024, 6:16 pm
By Mike Okwang Ogule
Small holder farmers in Akali Sub County, Kwania district have welcomed with enthusiasm, the new improved sorghum variety “Chromatin hybrid sorghum” seed.
The new sorghum variety that provides natural resistance to sun shine and pests is produced by Chromatin INC, an agricultural technology company based in Chicago.
The growing of the new sorghum variety is being supported by Feed the Universe Urgency Uganda, an organization fronting sorghum growing in Acholi and Lango Sub-regions.
According to Mike Ngura Okello, the Coordinator Feed the Universe Urgency Uganda in charge Kwania, the hybrid sorghum which takes 105 days from planting to harvest is aimed at addressing the food shortage in Northern Uganda.
Ngura was meeting farmers on Thursday at Telela PAG Church in Telela East in Akali Sub County, Kwanai District.
He encouraged the farmers to embrace the new sorghum variety in order to fight famine and improve on their household’s income.
Solomon Odur, Francis Odur and other farmers of Akali Sub County who spoke during the farmers’ engagement meeting welcomed the new sorghum variety in their area.
They say the project is timely, appealing for early delivery of the seed for early planting.
Chromatin INC is a developer and seller of hybrid, drought tolerant sorghum seeds and next-generation sorghum for both traditional agriculture markets and for uses in new applications intended to meet the world’s growing demand for sustainable agricultural systems according to Mr. Ngura.