22 July 2023, 2:09 pm
By Mike Okwang Ogule
Apac district security team headed by the RDC has resorted to using force in implementing the presidential directive on vacating wetlands and other vanishing natural resources in the district.
According to Mr. Abdul George who is the Apac District Resident Commissioner, the move is aimed at restoring the already vanishing nature where environment is inclusive.
In an operation carried out on Thursday 20th July 2023 in Adok B cell, Alworoceng parish, Ibuje sub-county Apac district following a serious complain by the community, one Oceng Daniel was arrested after he was found to have extremely encroached the only wetland in the area.
According to the community, some individuals are alleged to have seriously encroached the same wetland and has denied access for the public to grazing animals in the area.
Mr Abdul said wetlands are for the community and nobody has the right to deny others access provided they will use it for grazing animals or practicing apiary.
The office of the RDC was able to also confiscate two ox-ploughs with their yolks as the owners also the accused flee for fear of being arrested.
Mr. Abdul however cautioned the community who are still planning or already encroaching wetlands across the district to vacate with immediate effect.
Mr Daniel Eyit Angura the District ONC co-ordinator asked those still involving themselves in wetland destruction to stand warned and avoid blaming the district authority since they are implementing a presidential directive
Mr Eyit however cautioned those who think they carry big names that make them continue spoiling the wetlands that they will not be spared this time.
By press time Oceng was still under police detention waiting to be arranged in court.
Section 36 of the National Environment Act provides for the protection of wetlands and prohibits reclamation, erection of illegal structures, and empowers authorities to demolish any structure that is static in, on, under, or above any wetland.
The Act also empowers districts to manage wetlands within their jurisdictions and ensure that their boundaries are clearly demarcated so that even as water levels and wetland vegetation recedes, the public are clear on where the boundaries lie.