23 January 2023, 8:47 pm
By Bondry Kilenga.
Following the recent spates of attacks on the local leaders in Kotido district by armed criminals, Elija Labor the Regen sub county LC 3 chairperson has appealed to the security forces to consider training the local leaders with elementary security skills.
On the 6th of December 2022 Paul Apia, the Maru sub county LC 3 chairperson was attacked at his residence and on the 1st of the December Lobur the Regen sub county LC 3 was also attacked at his residence.
Lobur says that the local leaders are targeted by the criminals who think they leak information to the security officials adding that most of the leaders prefer committing from Kotido town than residing in their sub counties.
Lobur now suggests that the RDC of Kotido should lobby for security training for the local leaders at kyankwanzi for some security trainings which he believes will help the leaders look out for themselves.
In 2022, the LC 3 of Napumpum Paul luwok and the speaker of Kapeeta sub county, Akom Daniel were gunned down on different occasions by armed criminals.
John Bosco Luchu the Kacheri town council LC 5 councillors who supports the idea of trainin local leader with elementary security skills, however confirms the fears saying that the armed criminals are targeting majorly the local leaders.