30 August 2023, 6:41 pm
Napak district located South of Karamoja is one of the nine districts in the sub Region reported to be experiencing a fast rise in urbanization.
Perhaps due to its location along the recently upgraded tarmac road, the district has registered a rise in the level of urbanization and growth that are evident as one moves along its major routes and near the key institutions.
Some of the mushrooming trading cetres in the district are Napak town council, Matany town council, Kangole, Apeitolim, Lopei and Iriiri all key trading centres characterized by various business activities mostly trade. Plying through the Moroto-Soroti highway, one cannot miss to recognize the mushrooming trading centers and business boom.
The urban centres have attracted both the natives and foreigners who offer services including lodging facilities, restaurants, bars and merchandise among others.
Napak district is also blessed with famous institutions like St Kizito Hospital, Matany, a presidential state lodge at Morulina, Matany Nursing and Midwifery School, Kangole Girls secondary school, a Zonal Industrial Hub, Kobulin Youth Skills Training Centre and others.
Most people have attributed the rapid urbanization and growth in Napak to the presence of infrastructure such as electricity, good road network, key institutions and the good relations between the district, neighbors and people from other regions.
Paul Kodet, the LC5 chairperson of Napak told Etoil A Karamoja news reporters when the team visited the district a few days ago that the peaceful coexistence between the Bokora and their neighbors is one of the drivers to the current business boom and urbanization. He adds that the desire for a municipality status should Moroto be elevated to a city is the other reason behind the growth in urban in Napak.
Daniel Korobe, the Mayor of Matany Town Council believes that the decision by majority of the educated people from Karamoja who hail from Napak district to invest back at home is the reason for the mushrooming urban centers.
Emmanuel Kodet, a resident of Matany Town centre believes the presence of key institutions in Napak district, and good road network have attracted people from other regions that has in turn boosted economic activities leading to a business boom and emergence of urban centers.