Etoil A Karamoja

Locals in Nakapelimoru sub-county bitter over the poor state of roads

24 July 2024, 3:14 pm

By Joseph Logola

Locals in Nakapelimoru sub-county, in Kotido district have expressed bitterness over the poor state of roads in their area.

Photo by Logola.

Currently, the road measuring 18 kilometres, stretching from Kotido town to Nakapelimoru and connecting to Kanair Sub-county and Brigade, is in poor condition. Yet, it remains one of Kotido’s busiest roads for transporting goods and services, especially on market days every Monday. The most affected areas stretch through Lodeele, Oyapuwa, Nasinyon ,Watakau, Kadocha and Potongor.

When our reporter visited the affected roads in the sub-county on Monday, at least two trucks transporting cereals to the market were found stuck on the narrow, muddy road, with both pedestrians and motorists struggling to pass through.

Calvin Dedoms Lokut Aremengitwol, a resident of Nakapelimoru Sub-county, says the condition of the road has also impacted revenue collection due to the reduced population on market days.

Comment from Calvin

Joel Wamono, a dealer in home utensils, says the potholes have become a threat to both motorists and pedestrians.

Peace Achayo, a dealer in grains, says she has continued to count losses in the markets due to the poor road network, which delays access to the markets.

Comment from Peace

Martina Moding, Veronica Nakong, and Grace Lowiny, some of the casual labourers who help in threshing cereals at the markets, say they used to earn 5,000 and above after work, but this is no longer the case.

Paul Logole, the Kotido district engineer, while speaking to our reporters from his office, said the district has not budgeted for the affected roads this financial year, except for the Kapadakook-Rikitae and Lopworokocha-Kamoru roads, which are planned to be rehabilitated this year at a cost of 250 million shillings. Other roads to be rehabilitated include Lokitelaebu-Nagirigirioi and Lobul, at a cost of 133 million shillings.

Comment from Kotido district engineer Logole.

He is now urging community members to avoid driving oxen on the roads, as he says this is one of the issues contributing to the formation of potholes.

Logole on appeal.