Voice of Lango

Lira city school under fire over alleged defilement of pupil

11 February 2023, 10:43 am

Graphic illustration depicting a campaign against defilement

By Denish Ongora ( denish.ongora@vol.co.ug)

Police of Lira city west division is investigating the administration of Bishop Kami Nursery school over allegation of aggravated defilement of a five year old minor.

Police detectives yesterday visited the school to start investigation into allegation of defilement of the minor filed at Lira City West division police headquarters.

The child’s father Okello Moses said he suspects that his daughter could have been defiled and the school could be concealing the matter since the school authorities went on to seek treatment for the child without his knowledge.

Okello said after taking their daughter to Mariestopes, Lira branch and later to Lira regional referral hospital, medical reports revealed that she was defiled and the injuries on her private parts stitched.

Okello on defilement

However, the minor told police that her private parts got pricked by branches of flowers that she tried to jump over in fear of a teacher who was coming towards her.

However, Okello claimed that his daughter had told them that she was directed by one of the teachers called Stella to lie that she was pricked by branches of flowers.

Okello on case

The police officers picked up the school head teacher Onumo Pailot and the matron who were taken to record statements at Lira City west police station.

The head teacher of Bishop Kami Nursery school Onumo Pailot when contacted hanged up our call.

A case of aggravated defilement has been opened at Lira City west police station vide SD Ref; 34/9/2/2023.