Tembo FM

PDM project workload overwhelms Kitgum parish chiefs

12 June 2024, 12:42 pm

Kitgum district administration block.

By Otim Moses Arapmoi

Subcounty and parish chiefs in Kitgum district have come out to complain that they are overwhelmed with work in handling Parish Development Model (PDM) due to distance and over population.

Ms. Agnes Akello, a parish chief in Labongo Amida subcounty says the challenge is further compounded by the absence of gadgets to aid data collection and reporting to the district authorities.

She made the remarks during the PDM review meeting in the RDC’s board room on Wednesday last week.

Ms. Akello asked the district to avail them with computers and smart phones to aid timeliness in service delivery and reporting on the progress of PDM and other government programs in their subcounties.

Ms. Stella Abyeto, Kitgum district Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) however said currently, the district lacks the capacity to procure computers and smartphones for the parish and subcounty chiefs but promised to liaise with the ministry of finance to see how the problem can be solved.

Ms. Abyeto Stella.