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Paloga Sub County mooting By-Law to Fight Alcoholism

3 October 2024, 6:10 pm

Mr Nobert Okii Advocacy Officer ADRA together project

By Otim Moses

Paloga Sub County in Lamwo district has set 1st December 2024 as the date for the Certification of the Alcoholism By-law to help in the fight against excessive consumption of alcohol in the Sub County.

During a meeting with the Councilors of the various Parishes in the Sub County on Tuesday with ADRA-Uganda, the councilors unanimously blessed the draft law and said they are only waiting for its passing in December and subsequent implementation so that the electorates can become productive. The meeting was organized by ADRA-Uganda to review the by-law.

Mr. Norbert Okii, ADRA’s Advocacy Officer said that if passed, the By-law will help in reducing the rate of Gender-Base Violence since alcohol is the main driving factor of GBV in the Sub County. He added that alcohol abuse has also led to high rates of early marriage.

Mr. Okot Patrick, the Chairperson General purpose Committee said the draft bill should spell clearly the penalties for those who will come into conflict with it and asked that all procedures should be followed while drafting the bill so that it is not challenged once passed by the council.

Mr. Anthony Akera, the Paloga Sub County Chairperson pledged to work on the bill and make sure it is implemented before the year ends.