5 October 2024, 11:24 am
By Ronald Ssemagonja
As it is the norm of Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) team, to hold a thanksgiving service each year, even this year, it happened on Friday at URA headquarters in Nakawa Division, Kampala. The theme for this year’s thanksgiving was got from the Bible in the book of Isaiah 43:19 which says “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.’ The guest speaker, The Most Reverend Dr. Steven Kazimba Mugalu, the archbishop of the Church of Uganda in his preaching, he encouraged the URA team to be strong and keep trusting God as they execute their role of revenue collection. He prayed and blessed them as well. “I pray blessings upon blessings to each one of you. Blessings without sorrow, of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit rest upon you, now, now, now and forevermore. Amen” he prayed.
In his speech, the URA Commissioner General, Mr. John Musinguzi thanked God for the far he has brought them because their role is a bit challenging. “Our work is not a simple one. You are trying to take away from someone who feels you have not done so much input to make that money, so the challenge to convince that person that what am taking away is not for my own good but for the good of our Nation. This is the role of taxation. However, its never easy, but true, a number of tax payers are just learning how to open up and pay taxes willingly.” he said. The Commissioner General continued and said that sometimes they are stoned and that on bad days they have lost their colleges in an effort to collect revenue and sometimes they are wrongly accused. “We want to say sorry where we have not treated you right because sometimes we error. We are human beings. Sometimes we over assess you when we don’t understand your business, sometimes we send a lot of messages that irritate you. Whatever we do that is not right. Please forgive us. We are committed on that journey of being Matthews than Zachiases.” he pleaded.
He thanked the team he works with at URA because they put in their best . “I thank you Commissioners, Office Assistants, Office Admins, whoever plays a role in this organization and does it faithfully and selflessly, the Lord will bless you. Our spiritual leaders have prayed a blessing upon us and I have no doubt, that will happen and let us not allow our past define us, let us press forward with full determination and the Lord will fight our battles” he said. He concluded by thanking God and his servants for encouraging them and giving them a word for the season by Archbishop.
During his time to dedicate URA’s next journey to the hands of the Almighty God, the lead pastor of Rubaga Miracle Centre Church for born again Christians, Pastor Robert Kayanja, prayed for tax payers as well. “Lord, I pray that the tax payers will be built into billionaires. That they will be able to sustain this nation and employ millions of Ugandans.” he prayed. Col. Edith Nakalema a civil servant who was also in attendance thanked the URA Commissioner General and the entire team for collecting tax. “Commissioner General and his dear wife, we chose to serve God when we were young. We also made a decision to stand for Christ, so the team at URA, we are there fighting corruption and we want you to clean up. We want you to do much better. The gospel today was within that that it is time for us to go and create change that will make Uganda great”.
The event was also attended by several representatives from different organizations working with URA such as KACITA Uganda, Rite TV team leader, Dorah Kibende who is one of the URA intercessors, among others. About over seven million Uganda Shillings was given in as thanksgiving offertory and according to the Commissioner General, the URA team decided that whatever is collected in thanksgiving, be given to the Archbishop as a contribution to All Saints’ Church Nakasero building.