21 March 2024, 7:34 pm
By Edwin Okurmu Kisa
Nansana municipal council has today passed a shillings 40Bn budget for the coming financial year 2024/25. Speaking to the honorable council and the media about the proposed budget for F/Y 2024/25, Her worship Regina Nakazzi Bakitte the municipal mayor said that in this budget more resources almost half of it will prioritize the health services of Nansana dwellers.
She says that in the forthcoming F/Y 2024/25 due to start in July 2024, they aim at building more health worker’s staff quarters to enhance their welling in health centers across the municipality, uplifting the grade of Matugga H/C II to H/C III status for better service delivery to the growing population it services among others.
In the proposed budget further, the municipality plans to inject more funds in projects aiming at curbing the rampant dumping with all it’s effects to the environment and the dwellers.
Honorable councilors plus technical staff of the council have thanked government for its support to the municipality that has enable d them to purchase a 2Bn Grader and a shs. 400Bn Roller this F/Y 2023/2024 that will ease the cost of road construction and maintenance within the four divisions of the municipality. however, they have cited out some challenges such as delayed release of funds by government that has left many of their proposed projects and plans fruit less due to lack of timely funding to run them, hence a de-service to the public they serve.