Tiger FM

Thousands of University Students cried for God in Nansana.

14 October 2024, 12:17 pm

By Ronald Ssemagonja.

In exercise of their constitutional rights under Article 29 clause (1) and (c) of the constitution of the 1995 of the Republic of Uganda which says (1) Every person shall have the right to freedom to practice any religion and manifest such practice which shall include the right to belong to and participate in the practices of any religious body or organization in a manner consistent with this constitution. It is against this background that students from different universities across the country decided to gather at the Worship House Pentecostal church in Nansana municipality to cry out to God for help on Sunday.

The lead Pastor, Worship House Pentecostal church, pastor Wilson Bugembe explained to the media the genesis of this annual prayer day for university students. “One day I found a bus and for you to enter the bus you were supposed to pullout your university Identity Card and then they give you free beer and drive you to the club. I realized that a parent can refuse his or her child not to do certain things but when they reach to the university, then they start practicing what their parents hindered them to do and they also end up choosing evil friends, so that is where I got the idea of organizing this annual University Prayer Day commonly known as Campus Move.”he said.

According to Mwine White, a life coach and theologian, courage is key in one’s life. “Even with a calling and competence, success may not occur to the level that it could if the leader lacks courage. The notion of courage is similar to the concept of self-efficiency and confidence in that, people (including university students) perceive their ability to do or not to do something. The focus here is on self-perception, rather than reality.” he said. Mwine continues to say that successes and failures contribute to a perception of self-efficiency, although when faced with unfamiliar situations, experience is replaced with self-beliefs of the individual. It is therefore a combination of someone’s personality, core belief systems, morals and other individual traits.

According to students who attended this year’s Campus Move, they have poured their challenges to God and they believe that something will happen. Kusiima Patricia, a first year student at Uganda Christian University, said she has faith that whatever she prayed for, God will answer. “I am extremely grateful for God for my life and for this prayer day. Am sure that my life will be much better by this time next year because I believe that God can change anyone’s life as He wishes. Like the Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” she said. Kusiima extended her appreciation to the entire organizing committee of the Campus Move.

Okello Ronald, a student at Gulu University, being his first time to attend the annual university prayer day, was so excited. “Am so excited to be here. I thank our leaders who mobilized us and made sure that we reach this place for prayers. I have prayed and even cried to God to intervene in my tuition situations but I believe God will do something. I have even given my life to Christ Jesus” he said. In his brief preaching, Pastor Bugembe encouraged university students to always take time to pray and also not to engage in evil acts like prostitution, gambling, smoking weed, etc, but trusting God to always make a way for them. “I tell you Students, God will always make a way for you. Just keep praying and doing the right thing, and never forget to help your parents. You can take time and ask God for forgiveness and anything you would like him to give you in life” he said.

In conclusion, Pastor Bugembe led students in prayer and declared a blessing to each one of them as they read Psalm 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Pastor Ben Kigumba, the administrative pastor at the Worship House, thanked students for turning up in good numbers and assured them that whatever they came seeking God for, they will find. The university Prayer Day/Campus Move has been happening for over seven years. This time over 100 Students gave their lives to Christ Jesus.

The congregation worshiping the Lord.
Congregation at the church.
The lead Pastor, Worship House Pentecostal church, pastor Wilson Bugembe.